To get a commercial drone license from the FAA, you’ll need to follow these steps: Check out our LAANC authorization guide to better understand how that authorization process works. The Class G airspace requirement can also be bypassed if you apply for and receive approval for special airspace authorization from the FAA. *Excluding the weight requirement and the requirement to fly in Class G airspace, the above restrictions can be waived if you submit and receive a Part 107 waiver from the FAA.

You must never fly near emergency response efforts.If you need to fly in Class B, C, D or E controlled airspace, you need to apply for an airspace authorization. You must never fly near other aircraft.unless certified by a community-based organization. You must follow community-based safety guidelines and fly within the programming of a nationwide community-based organization (CBO) like the AMA.You must fly within visual line-of-sight.You must register your UAV with the FAA on the FAADroneZone website.You must fly for hobby or recreation ONLY (no side jobs or in-kind work allowed).Take the free online training and receive your certificate of completion with UAV Coach. We’re proud to be an FAA-approved test administrator. You must take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) required by the FAA.If you are operating as a recreational operator, then the regulations that apply to your operation fall under the FAA’s model aircraft rules, which can be found below. → You’re Ready to Get Your Part 107 Drone License → How Much Money Can I Make With an FAA Drone License? → What do People Use Their Drone License For? → How Long Does it Take to Get an FAA Drone License? → How Much Does it Cost to Get an FAA Drone License? → Part 61 Certificate - The Exception to the Rule

→ Recreational/Hobbyist Rules - Flying For Fun

→ When Should You Get a Drone License: Recreational vs. Make note that each country regulates its airspace differently, we’ll just be focusing on requirements for drone pilots in the U.S.

So that’s what we’ll talk about on this page. You’ll need an FAA-issued Part 107 Certificate to start piloting commercial drone flights for work or business.
Completing the FAA’s drone certification process brings you into an exciting (and lucrative) industry and can help to kick off your career as a professional drone operator.
In this guide, we’ll explain how to get your drone license in the United States. Drone Certification: A Step-by-Step Guide to FAA Part 107 for U.S.